Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Light That Shines The Brightest -- December 6

Advent is a time of reflections on many different things. It evokes thoughts of friends and family, near and far. Memories of past events dear to our hearts. It is a reminder of the blessings we experience throughout each year. And it also reminds us to let those we care about know we love them.

We are bombarded with so many sensations. On a trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil last month, I was amazed that the malls and shopping centers were already decorated. And in a place that has never seen snow, the decorations resembled our own -- Christmas trees, cottony snow, Santa (they call him Papai Noel). And all kinds of colored lights with various phrases or just decorating things. Light seems to be a core sensation to any celebration.

For me, because of my background, Advent most brings to mind a different kind of light. And serves as a reminder of my faith and thankfulness for the Savior who died for me. Jesus Christ, the Light of The World, has provided more color and light to my world than any decorations could achieve. And He alone is the best reason for any good cheer that any of us might possess.

Born to die. When I think about that it just continues to amaze me. Jesus came for one purpose: to die. I am 38 and he lived less years than me, before dying a terrible death for all of us. And He went willingly, joyfully. The sadness He exhibited was due to our sin not his own regrets. He continues to stand out all over the world as a reminder of the greatest love the world has ever known. And His Light shines brighter than any other during this Advent season.

The star atop my Christmas tree, always reminds me of the star of David, which led the wisemen to the tiny baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. Is there anything so innocent and pure as a baby? And how long does it take most children to lose some of that purity? Yet Jesus never did. He kept it throughout His entire short life. He walked the Earth with more passion, love, and understanding than any of us have ever shown or known. And He continues to walk with us today with the same passion, love and understanding.

During this Advent season, I hope that you, like me, remember the Light that shined the brightest. And give thanks. If you don't know Him, you should get to know Him. He will truly Light up your world.

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